Monday, October 7, 2013

Writing...finding it hard to begin

How is it that I know the direction that I want to go, have the resources to get there, but am having so much trouble getting started?  Writers block is awful!  I have read and re-read my research I have collected and have attempted an outline to get the process moving, but i am still struggling.  UHG! 

 Maybe the problem is that I know what I want to say, but am having difficultly with the arguement side of the assigment. Maybe I dont know what critisim will show the most and therefor am having problems seeing the other side. Maybe my head is just over capasity. Whatever the problem, I better figure it out. 

CharlieBrown...I know exactly how you feel.

1 comment:

  1. Calvin and Hobbes and Charlie Brown on one page, mind blown ;) Over capacity is better than under~! I'm sure it will turn out very well. Excited to see the final product.
